Reports on Plans and Priorities
2013-14 - Supplementary Information Table: Greening Government Operations

Supplementary Information Table: Greening Government Operations

Green Procurement Reporting for Departments and Agencies not bound by the Federal Sustainable Development Act

Departments and agencies bound by the Policy on Green Procurement but not by the Federal Sustainable Development Act must complete mandatory reporting on meeting the requirements of Section 7 of the Policy on Green Procurement using this section.

Infrastructure Canada is committed to addressing the Policy on Green Procurement. As such, in meeting the policy requirements, it will continue to incorporate environmental considerations in its decision-making processes for all procurement. Listed below are Infrastructure Canada's green procurement targets.

Green Procurement Targets

8.10 As of April 1, 2011, each department was to establish at least three SMART green procurement targets to reduce environmental impacts.

First Green Procurement Target: Procurement of Computers and Related Equipment, Printers and Photocopiers

Target: On an annual basis, 100% of all procurement decisions related to computers and related equipment, printers and photocopiers will consider green procurement principles.

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status  
Percentage of procurement decisions with regards to computers and related equipment, printers and photocopiers that take into account green procurement principles, considerations and objectives of the Policy on Green Procurement. 100%  
Progress in fiscal year 2013-14 100%  


  1. Infrastructure Canada will continue to purchase and/or lease energy-efficient computers and related electronic equipment from companies with environmental programs that have recycled content and a recycling program.
  2. The department will continue to use multi-function photocopiers and printer machines to reduce energy consumption, continue to use recycled toner cartridges, continue to implement the policy on standard shared printers versus personal printers and continue to ensure that default settings on printers and photocopiers are set to print double-sided and black and white.
  3. The department will also continue to recycle and ensure that defective goods and end-of-life telecommunications devices (blackberries, cell phones and related accessories) are sent to vendors for recycling.
Second Green Procurement Target: Procurement of Furniture, Office Supplies and Goods

Target: On an annual basis, 100% of all procurement decisions related to furniture, office supplies and goods will consider green procurement principles.

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status  
Percentage of procurement decisions with regards to furniture, office supplies and goods that take into account green procurement principles, considerations and objectives of the Policy on Green Procurement. 100%  
Progress in fiscal year 2013-14 100%  


  1. Infrastructure Canada will continue to procure office supplies and goods taking into account green procurement principles and objectives, such as continuing to use recycled paper (30 percent recycled or higher) instead of regular paper.
  2. The Department will continue to ensure that business cards are printed on recycled paper and bear the Eco Logo symbol.
  3. The Department will continue to use office furniture and furnishing products that meet or exceed environmental norms established by Public Works and Government Services Canada, and will continue to re-use and recycle furniture and office furnishings.
  4. The Department will continue to plan its procurement activities using green goods and services, where available.
Third Green Procurement Target: Procurement of Goods and Services (Meetings and Travel)

Target: On an annual basis, 100% of procurement decisions with regards to meetings and travel arrangements will consider green procurement principles.

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status  
Percentage of procurement decisions with regards to meetings and travel arrangements that consider green procurement principles. (Baseline Year: 2011-12). 100%  
Progress in fiscal year 2013-14 100%  


  1. Infrastructure Canada uses government travel services to encourage employees to use sustainable methods of transportation and to select green hotels, promotes green meetings within the Department, and promotes the use of videos and teleconferences as an alternative to travel.
  2. The Department promotes ways to host green meetings by reducing the use of items, such as paper cups and disposable dishes that go into landfills. Employees involved in meetings and conference arrangements are encouraged to purchase goods from companies that offer greener catering, and that supply dishes instead of disposable dishes.
  3. For commuting to and from work, the Department encourages staff to participate in the EcoPass Public-Transit Program, and encourages staff to use other green modes of transportation such as cycling and walking to work if possible. Infrastructure Canada is located in the National Capital Region (NCR) at Minto Place Complex, 180 Kent Street. And in Fall 2012, the 180 Kent Street building was nationally recognized as the outstanding building of the year by the Building Owners and Managers Association of Canada. This recognition is based on building management and standards, community impact, tenant relations, energy conservation, environmental regulatory and sustainability practices, emergency preparedness and security and training for building personnel. For more information, please visit the 180 Kent website.
Fourth Green Procurement Target: Procurement of Contracting Services

Target: By March 31, 2013, 100% of all contracting services transactions will incorporate green procurement information.

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status  
Percentage of contracting services transactions that include green procurement information, i.e. that meet green procurement principles, considerations and objectives of the Policy on Green Procurement. Number of contracting services transactions that incorporate green procurement information, relative to the total number of contracting services transactions made by the Department. (Baseline year: 2011-12). 75%  
Progress in fiscal year 2013-14 75%  


  1. Infrastructure Canada includes standard/generic environmental clauses in the terms and conditions of its service contracts. For example, final reports are printed double-sided on recycled paper, in keeping with the principles of the greening government operations initiative.
  2. Since 2008-09, the Department has been working with the Client Engagement Sector, Public Works and Government Services Canada, to analyze its spending patterns and to identify opportunities for improvement in its procurement practices.
  3. In 2009-10, Infrastructure Canada's Contracting and Procurement Unit continued to update its contracting systems to identify and track green procurement and to capture green procurement information. This task has been accomplished, and as of 2011-12 the department began reporting on the number of contracting services transactions that include green procurement information.
  4. In 2012-13 and beyond, the Department will continue to look for additional ways to include environmental considerations into procurement of contracting services.

8.11 As of April 1, 2011, each department was to establish at least three SMART targets for training, employee performance evaluations, and management processes and controls, as they pertain to procurement decision-making.

Training for Select Employees
First Departmental Target: Training for Staff on Procurement and Material Management

Target: By March 31, 2014, all staff of Procurement and Material Management will have taken training on green procurement.

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status  
Percentage of staff in procurement and material management that will receive training on green procurement. (Baseline year 2011-12). 40%  
Progress in fiscal year 2013-14 60%  


  1. To date, two contracting officers have received training in the Green Procurement Course being offered, which is part of the Purchasing and Supply (PG) Certification program.
  2. All staff involved in procurement and material management will be required to take the training being offered.
Employee Performance Evaluations for Managers and Functional Heads of Procurement and Material Management
Second Departmental Target: Performance Agreement and Feedback Reports

Target: By March 31, 2013, all identified managers and functional heads of procurement and material Management will have environmental consideration clauses incorporated into their Performance Agreement and Feedback Reports.

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status  
Percentage of all staff occupying positions in procurement and material management that have incorporated environmental considerations in their Performance Agreement and Feedback Report. (Baseline year: 2011-12). 100%  
Progress in fiscal year 2013-14 100%  


  1. Beginning in 2011-12, environmental considerations/objectives have been incorporated in the Performance Agreement and Feedback Report for the positions of the Contracting and Procurement Manager, and the Material Management Manager.
  2. As of 2012-13, this will also apply to staff occupying positions of functional heads of procurement and material management.
Management Processes and Controls
Third Departmental Target: Management Processes and Controls

Target: On an annual basis, 100% of all management processes and controls will incorporate environmental considerations.

Performance Measure RPP DPR
Target Status  
Percentage of all processes and controls that incorporate environmental considerations. 100%  
Progress in fiscal year 2013-14 100%  


  1. In its procurement decision-making processes, Infrastructure Canada implements innovative and up-to-date procurement processes and controls as it strives to find opportunities for improvement in its procurement practices.
  2. When initiating procurement, the Department first considers standing offers from Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), including those with green procurement clauses. If no standing offers are available for the required goods or services, the Department proceeds with other available procurement mechanisms. The department uses standing offers that have green procurement considerations.
  3. Since 2008-09, the department has been working with the Client Engagement Sector, Public Works and Government Services Canada to analyze its spending patterns and to identify opportunities for improvement in its procurement practices.
  4. In 2009-10, Infrastructure Canada's Contracting and Procurement Unit continued to update its contracting systems to identify and track green procurement and to capture green procurement information. This task has been accomplished, and as of 2011-12 the Department is able to report on green procurement information for contracting services.
  5. In 2013-14 and beyond, the Department will continue to look for additional ways to include environmental considerations into procurement processes and controls.
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