Building Canada - Modern Infrastructure for a Strong Canada - Stronger, Safer, Better

Stronger, Safer, Better

Building Canada is an historic and unprecedented Government of Canada initiative, an ambitious but essential plan that harnesses the power of infrastructure to advance the nation's most important goals. Building Canada will strengthen the country's physical, economic and social backbone. It will deliver real and tangible results for Canadians. It will help Canadian businesses sell their products around the world. It will help cut travel times within and between communities. It will provide Canadians with cleaner and safer drinking water and a healthier environment. And it will help revitalize communities, large and small. It is 21st century nation-building.

For the first time in modern history, the Government of Canada has produced a comprehensive plan for infrastructure in order to work in partnership with Canada's provinces, territories and municipalities. For the first time in modern history, the Government of Canada has articulated a concrete vision to guide infrastructure investments within a coherent strategic framework. For the first time in modern history, the Government of Canada will use a comprehensive suite of policy, program and base funding instruments to work in concert towards a common infrastructure goal. For the first time in modern history, the Government of Canada will systematically utilize infrastructure spending to build a stronger, safer and better Canada.

Building a Better Canada

Building a Better Canada
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